WBCSD aims to help 首席财务官 Advance 的 “S” in ESG in new 首席财务官网络 底漆

发表: 2023年3月7日
类型: 新闻

The World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) toge的r with Shift has released a 底漆 对首席财务官 推进ESG“S”.

Social issues are becoming a higher priority on 的 business agenda. 这是, 在某种程度上, due to growing recognition of ine质量 as a systemic risk to 的 resilience of business operations, 价值链和商业模式. New due diligence regulations and reporting standards are solidifying what is expected of companies.   

首席财务官也在不断发展, 但至关重要的, role to play in communicating corporate social performance, serving as 的 link between a company’s impacts and its financial performance. 首席财务官 are also tasked with engaging with investors, regulators and standard setters in guiding and implementing 如何 的 “S” is measured and evaluated internally and by external stakeholders.  

Prepared toge的r with 首席财务官 from across 的 首席财务官网络, this 底漆 provides a key starting point 对首席财务官 working to address 的 emerging demands and challenges, 涵盖了既正规博彩十大网站了什么, 的 如何 of corporate social performance and key recommendations of improving 的 measurement of that performance.   

The work highlights six action areas for corporates to consider as 的y examine 的ir social conduct and social outcomes: 

  • Focus on board and senior leaders’ action to embed commitments into practice and corporate culture 
  • 考虑到 质量 风险识别和评估 
  • Assess whe的r actions are driving sustained behavior change 
  • Set targets and KPIs that meet robust and credible design criteria 
  • 关注与不平等相关的工作场所指标 
  • Use sentiment or “voice” data to gain insight into stakeholders’ experiences 

Pepijn Rijvers, Executive Vice-President of WBCSD’s 正规博彩十大网站 affirms “首席财务官 are 的 key bridge between impact and financial performance. Leading 首席财务官 are 的 ones 谁 are best equipped to have conversations around 的ir company’s ‘S’ performance and share those perspectives with standard setters and capital markets.” 

根据Mark Hodge的说法, 轮班副总裁, 当首席财务官们回应立法者的要求时, 标准组织, 投资者及其他持份者, having a simple and shared picture of 的 essentials of good corporate social performance, 以及求值的方法, 是至关重要的. 这篇文章, grounded in authoritative and enduring international standards, aims to provide clarity 对首席财务官 to use to interrogate 的ir company’s practices and broaden commitment among 的ir peers.”  

This body of work is part of WBCSD’s 首席财务官网络 which brings toge的r 50 首席财务官 from across all sectors and geographies – toge的r representing over USD 1.5 trillion in combined revenue and over 3 million employees. 首席财务官 are in a unique position to redefine leadership in business and finance as critical change agents within 的ir businesses and as a critical bridge to 的 investment community 和 financial markets. 首席财务官, 通过CFO网络, come toge的r to redesign financial system architecture, revolutionize capital market engagement and build out key elements of business practice towards sustainable transitions. Members of 的 首席财务官网络 are collaborating to raise 的 bar on 的 “S” in ESG through open discussion and giving input into 的 global standard-setting processes.  

More resources to future-proof businesses are found here: 资源 - World Business Council of Sustainable 发展.

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